02 August 2024

The development of Nakhodka is going according to plan: the city thrives with NFP

Thousands of schoolchildren and kindergartners are now going to newly renovated schools and libraries. And the renovation process is not nearly over. After decades of standstill Nakhodka is now seeing a massive increase in housebuilding. The next step is to move from infill development to building new neighbourhoods. These are the first but not the only results of the eight-year development plan for Nakhodka. All these changes are now happening thanks to the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP), which initiated a programme of the city comprehensive development.

The flagship project of the last year was the construction of the new embankment park along Solenoye Lake. Thousands of citizens and guests of Nakhodka consider it to be one of the most multifunctional and comfortable places for family recreation. Before the year of 2030 the whole area around the lake will undergo significant positive changes, the embankment of the Kamenka River will be renovated and new walkways will be built along Lebyazhie Lake. These areas will turn into a single large recreational area stretching out for 10 kilometers.

“The preparation of the comprehensive development plan began in March 2021. NFP presented the initiative to Yury Trutnev, Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District. To determine which parts of the city require improvement the most, we invited experts from various parts of the country. The citizens of Nakhodka also participated in the selection process. As a result, 48 small initiatives were implemented in less than two years. Eighteen such initiatives are currently being implemented. This is something that anyone can see and enjoy the results of,” says Viktor Grebenyukov, Executive Director of NFP.

This programme has one way or another reached each and every citizen of Nakhodka and affected almost every sphere of life. This year the children development needs will be met by the renovation of schools, kindergartens, sports grounds, gyms and sports complexes, and recreational by building beaches, squares and embankment parks.

The economic development of the city entails new plants, factories and service stations, e.g. a car service station. The city needs developed infrastructure: new apartments for rent, hotels and parking lots. The healthcare is not overlooked either. Within this year Nakhodka will see the renovation of ambulance stations and construction of a new clinic.

The long-term city development plan encompasses development strategies until 2030. In accordance with this plan almost 180 facilities in the city will be either renovated, built or modified, thus covering all spheres of life. The total allocated budget of the development plan is 38 billion rubles. The full list of initiatives can be found on the following web-site.