13 December 2024

A solid foundation laid at NFP construction site

Almost 60 thousand cubic meters of concrete have been poured into the foundations of Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant, which is three times the amount of concrete poured into the foundation and concrete “core” of the Ostankino TV Tower. All the materials used for soil reinforcement, foundation pouring, and assembly of various additional structures are from Nakhodka’s local manufacturers.

Now the main stage – construction of aboveground facilities – has started at the construction site. Eleven pieces of equipment weighing a total of nearly 3 thousand tons have been installed on their respective foundations. To be able to withstand the weight of such massive equipment the base of the plant was carefully prepared: the ground was reinforced with 904 bored piles, the length of each commensurate with a seven-story building, and the foundation is made of durable locally-produced concrete.

“Concrete pouring and foundation erection works are going on simultaneously at 37 facilities today. All materials for soil reinforcement, foundation pouring, and assembly of additional structures come from Nakhodka manufacturers. We check the quality of concrete both immediately before pouring and after curing. Therefore, we can confidently say that local materials meet our requirements,” says Viktor Grebenyukov, Executive Director of NFP.

Also, the construction of infrastructural facilities currently completed include treatment facilities, upland ditches for stormwater drainage, and a potable water storage tank.

Now, more than 160 subcontractors are involved in the project implementation, 94 of which are from Nakhodka and Vladivostok. Participation of local businesses in the construction of the plant is an important contribution of NFP to local economic growth. Out of almost RUB 72 billion already invested in the project, more than RUB 10 billion has been paid to local companies for the supply of materials, construction works and services rendered.