04 September 2024

DOM.RF launches the fifth corporate rental housing project in the Far East

DOM.RF starts the fifth corporate rental housing project in the Far East. Mr Vitaly Mutko, CEO of DOM.RF, the state-owned company, and Mr Nikolay Sabitov, CEO of the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP) signed a respective agreement at the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum. The financing will be allocated for construction of 60 apartments with a total area of over 3,900 sq. m.

A block of flats will be constructed for NFP employees in Nakhodka (Primorsky Krai) located at: 18, Dzerzhinskogo st. It will be part of “Tri Bogatyrya” residential compound, which is being built by Viva. The first tenants are scheduled to move in the block in Q3 2026. Later, the employees will be able to buy out the apartments.

“While constructing affordable rental housing in the Far East, we have been financing corporate rental projects for several years. This is the fifth project in the Far East. Earlier apartments were constructed in Bolshoi Kamen (Primorye) and Nizhny Kuranakh (Yakutia). A block of flats is about to be finished in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and another one in Yakutia will be available for occupancy by the end of the year. Such rental practice is of paramount importance in the Far East, because for decades this region has been experiencing severe shortage of skilled personnel. A joint effort with business to improve housing conditions will rectify the situation,” said Vitaly Mutko.

NFP personnel will be able to move in the furnished apartments with furniture and appliances (a fridge, a cooking stove, a dish washer, a washing machine and an air conditioner). DOM.RF and NFP intend to continue cooperation and roll out the rental projects for the NFP team.

“NFP is making great contributions to Nakhodka already at the construction stage. We initiated a long-term social and economic regional development plan, which is actively transforming the town: we modernise schools and kindergartens, build new recreation hubs and sports centres. Rental construction sponsored by DOM.RF is a critical step both from the HR standpoint, which facilitates recruitment of talents from other regions, and socially: we want our future employees to relocate here along with their families and we want them to feel at home in Nakhodka,” said Nikolay Sabitov.

NFP is being constructed in the “Nakhodka” Priority Development Area funded by the Russian Far East and Arctic Development Corporation. The plant will employ 1,500 people. The designed capacity will reach 1.8 mln tonnes of methanol per annum. Thanks to the project, one of the largest in the Far East, the investments into the Primorye economy will exceed RUB 227 bln. The plant will pay RUB 25 bln of taxes to treasuries at all levels until the middle of 2036. In addition, NFP initiated and financed a comprehensive Nakhodka development plan as well as a master plan, which raised RUB 30 bln of additional municipal financing from the federal budget.