Press centre

11 July 2023

Excellent students who signed a contract with NFP will get extra scholarships

The Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP) increased scholarships to the students who signed an employer-sponsored education contract. Every month NFP will be paying an extra RUB 7,000 to excellent students in vocational high schools and RUB 15,000 to graduate students on top of an academic scholarship. This was announced at a round table, dedicated to the HR agenda, career guidance and cooperation between vocational high schools and business, which took place in the Nakhodka State Arts and Polytechnics College (NSAPC).

NFP actively pursues its HR policy, where employment of local communities is a cornerstone. Communication with students and the management of educational institutions in Primorye never stops, even in summer: NFP participates in related events and welcomes students for practical trainings.

NSAPC, a main partner of the plant supplying it with well-trained manpower, is getting qualified for participation in the final competition of the “Professionals” all-Russian championship. It brought together 450 people from 70 regions. Not only the high school but also Nakhodka accommodate such a huge event for the first time.

“We are a stage for the qualifying round of the three disciplines: software business solutions, system and network administration and cybersecurity. For example, what is the connection between IT and our long-standing partner NFP? Digitalization penetrated every business sector and we teach top-class experts enabling them to join local productions,” said Elena Voystrik, Director of NSAPC.

The employer-sponsored education is one of the most efficient college-to-production end-to-end training tools. This is how the company “breeds” experts. While they are still in school, contract students learn NFP processes in detail, undergo practical trainings and have greater knowledge compared to their fellow students by the time they finish school. Though, according to Ms Alina Kondrashova, training and personnel performance assessment expert from NFP, the employer-sponsored education is only available to those guys, who study related disciplines — chemistry and chemical engineering. However, NFP welcomes everyone both for practical trainings and further employment.

“This year we hired three students for the paid summer on-the-job training. Interestingly enough, only one of them was our contract student. Two others were IT students. Next year we plan to increase the number of trainees,” commented Alina.

NFP is one of the top ten investment projects in Russia and top 3 investment projects in the Far East. Tax payments to the regional budget will amount to RUB 49 bln alone while the advanced special economic zone (ASEZ) preferential tax treatment is applied. Later, the budget will receive RUB 26 bln every year. During the start-up the plant will create 1,500 well-paid jobs. All employees have a decent compensation package: a paid practical training, extended fringe benefits and employer-subsidized mortgage.