Press centre

18 July 2023

NFP specialists take part in the work of FEFU board of examiners

Vasily Rogov, Head of the Methanol Workshop at the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP), took part in the thesis defense of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) alumni majoring in chemical technolgies. Among the 30 bachelors and masters there are potential future employees of NFP.

Co-operation between business and the education system is a nationwide trend that NFP also supports. For several years the enterprise has been working strategically with universities and colleges of Primorye to create NFP’s own personnel reserve and fight against the brain-drain of young specialists.

Targeted training of students is a distinct but not only example of such joint cooperation with educational institutions. This year for the first time the company takes part in the work of the board of examiners. For NFP it presents yet another opportunity to meet with students and attract the most talented of them to its team.

Thesis papers were defended by 19 bachelors and 11 masters majoring in chemical technologies”, which is exactly the sort of major NFP is looking for. Almost all graduates got excellent marks for their work, which stands as proof of a high level of education.

“Working in the board of examiners gives us a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the graduates in a “combat” environment. Answering questions both on the thesis and on the chemical industry helps to get to know the students more deeply. Today we saw several potential specialists for NFP and we will prepare proposals for them”, – Vasily Rogov, Head of Methanol Workshop at NFP comments.

Already now the enterprise is actively forming a personnel reserve for its launch. FEFU graduates are of special interest.

“Almost all master’s students are already employed, for bachelors the participation of business in the work of the board of examiners is more exciting. Most of them go on to study for a master’s degree and are in the process of looking for a job during their studies. They have an opportunity to simultaneously receive both basic knowledge and practice at an operating enterprise,” says Valery Petukhov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of FEFU. – NFP’s participation in the board of examiners gives students a nice advantage. Such communication during thesis defense is uncommon and provides future specialist with a clear understanding of what is expected of them in real production setting”.

Over 1500 people shall be employed by NFP. 80% of all jobs will be occupied by residents of Nakhodka and Primorsky Krai. On the official website of NFP in the “Career” section there are up-to-date job openings that include a wide range of engineering specialities.