04 August 2023

Nakhodka to receive additional RUB 1 billion for implementation of the Master Plan

Nakhodka has become one of the cities in the Far Eastern Federal District that has been approved to apply for a Master Plan under the Special Treasury Loans (STL) programme. Over the next two years, the city will receive RUB 1 billion for large-scale changes to the city’s infrastructure. The funds raised under the STL programme will be used to build a substation that will allow the city to ensure a stable power supply; 13 kindergartens, 12 schools and 4 cultural institutions will be renovated; reconstruction of the storm water drainage system will be performed; ventilation at the Primorets sports school and the stands at the Vodnik stadium will be repaired. The Master Plan was developed with funding and support from the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP).

“Urban Renovation is a large-scale project that is significant for all Far Eastern cities and citizens of the Far East. The dream of the future of the Far East, creating comfortable, convenient living conditions for people, improving the environment is closely connected with the implementation of master plans,” says Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District.

The Master Plan is a long-term development programme for Nakhodka, which takes into account the development of the city’s main spheres of activity. As part of the conceptual master plan development, a new mission for Nakhodka was articulated – to be both a port city and a resort city. The document’s task is to balance the city’s industrial image, with the overarching goal of improving the quality of life and reducing population hemorrhaging.

“To preserve and multiply Nakhodka’s human resources potential, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for all residents. That is why NFP’s staff policy is actively intertwined with social policy. Along with creating a pool of jobs with high salaries and attractive labour conditions, we are also addressing the issues of the city’s development. The Master Plan allows us to deal with these issues in an integrated way. It combines social issues with issues of economic and urban development of the city,” Viktor Grebenyukov, Executive Director of NFP says.

The plant’s construction is an opportunity to attract federal funds to Nakhodka to improve the quality of life in the city, including construction, renovation and improvement of schools, kindergartens, parks and cultural facilities.

“Primorsky Krai is developing dynamically with the ‘course to the East’ announced by the President of Russia. Master plans include the development of social, communal, and road infrastructure. Thanks to Special Treasury Loans, conditions will be created for comfortable life for Primorsky residents and systematic development of the region”, – says Mikhail Petrov, Deputy Chairman of the Primorsky Krai Government.

It should be noted that other significant changes in the urban infrastructure of Nakhodka are also associated with the construction of NFP. The gas pipeline connection for the plant, will also allow to launch a large-scale programme of transferring the city’s energy sector to environmentally friendly fuel.

“At this stage of Nakhodka’s Master Plan implementation, we have been focusing on the well-being and comfort of families with children. The renovation of schools and kindergartens will guarantee that young families will not want to leave.  The new substation on Perevalnaya Street will allow to partially cover the deficit of power capacities and to start construction of a school-kindergarten in Sidorenko district, and in the long term – to develop the district further. Reconstruction of the stands of the Vodnik stadium will be the end of the renovation of the citizens’ favourite sports facility,” says Timur Maginsky, Head of Nakhodka Urban District.

The Nakhodka Masterplan will be presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Eastern Economic Forum in September. In 2022, the Russian Government approved the Nakhodka Integrated Development Plan initiated by NFP. At the first stage of the Nakhodka Integrated Development Plan, 9 schools and 9 kindergartens, as well as 4 sports grounds have already been upgraded. The library system is being modernised and a branch of the Primorsky Krai College of Arts has been renovated. In 2023 Nakhodka will get a modern sports complex on Dalnyaya Street – the first in the southern micro-district. The city has budgeted 1 billion roubles for this purpose.