12 April 2024

Additional funds will be allocated for the development of Nakhodka

Oleg Kozhemyako, Governor of the Region, has held a meeting on social and economic development of Nakhodka together with the representatives of the largest local enterprises and authors of the Nakhodka Master Plan, including the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP).

NFP is the initiator of the Nakhodka Comprehensive Development Plan. The city has already received 1 billion rubles and by 2030 the total amount of funds will reach 38 billion rubles.

“We have engaged experts from various regions of the country, who carefully studied the city, assessed its potential and provided guidelines on which areas require further development. On the website ‘MyNakhodka.rf’ people voted for the places that they would like to see improved first and all of them were included in the Master Plan in the exact order set by the voters”, says Viktor Grebenyukov, Executive Director of NFP.

In just a year and half a new Solyonoe Lake Embankment and Park area was built, the library system was modernized, nine sports schools and nine kindergartens, four sports grounds, as well as the Vodnik stadium and a branch of the Primorsky Krai College of Arts were renovated. A modern sports complex is now being built on Dalnyaya Street. At the meeting it was decided to allocate addition funds for other areas of development.

“We have decided on the areas that require some adjustments. In particular, we have decided that beside the Master Plan, the government will make annual investments in upgrading district heating and ensuring gasification of Nakhodka. These are two extremely important areas and this winter we saw that they are in dire need of such kind of approach”, comments Oleg Kozhemyako, Governor of the Primorsky Krai, upon the outcomes of the meeting.

The Master Plan is a long-term program of Nakhodka development, which includes development of the main city’s spheres of action. More than 60 projects will be implemented by 2030, including building schools and kindergartens, renovation of social facilities and creating modern public spaces. Special attention is paid to all the touristic attractions. Public hearings on improvement of the Solyonoe Lake Embankment and Park area are already scheduled. By 2030 the whole area around the lake will be completely upgraded.