Press centre

01 July 2024

Almost 150,000 trees will be planted in Primorye

Larch, dwarf pine and stone birch were planted by school forestry volunteers in the NFP plant nursery. The seedlings will increase the forest fund of the Primorsky Krai by 149,000 trees.

The forest nursery was built two years ago in the Partizansky district by the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP) and the Primorye air and ground forest protection base. The first planting season in the “forest incubator” was last year – larch and cedar seeds took root successfully.

“We move trays with sprouted seeds outside from the greenhouse. There, in the open air, young trees gain strength and adapt to the environment. Seedlings can be planted in the open ground in two or three years after germination. Next spring, we will already plant out on city alleys or in the forests of Primorye more than 40,000 larches which were sowed a year ago” said Alexey Karpenko, Director of the Sergeevsky branch of the Regional State Public Forestry “Primles”.

Not only specialists care for the seedlings in the greenhouse but also school forestry volunteers who undergo summer practice here every year.

“All the trees used to be the same for me. Now I know that growing a forest is a whole science about how to plant trees the right way, what their species are and how they differ from each other. Recently, we ourselves collected and planted Japanese elm seeds and sowed pine trees. This is not just training, we are doing important work for our region,” emphasized Alina Marshankina, a student of the “New foresters” school in the village of Novitskoye.

The NFP greenhouse is a technologically advanced space for the braird of “forest babies”. It maintains specific temperature and has automatic watering. Volunteers and employees of the Sergeevsky forestry weed, fertilize and treat seedlings from diseases and pests in a regular manner. This plant nursery will allow to grow up to 200,000 trees a year.