25 October 2023

NFP Installs First Pile of Marine Terminal

Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP) has taken a significant step forward with the active construction of its Marine Terminal. This development is crucial for the plant’s future operations, as it will allow methanol to be transported directly from a reservoir to vessels through a pipeline, thereby ensuring no discharge into the surrounding waters.

The projected capacity for the terminal is an impressive 1.8 million tons of methanol annually. Additionally, the port infrastructure is designed to handle up to 105 vessels every year, including large tankers with a deadweight tonnage of 50,000 tons and smaller vessels with a deadweight tonnage starting at 4,000 tons.

“Russia has long established itself as a traditional partner for countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with international cooperation often commencing right here in the Far East. The initiation of terminal construction carries significant implications for both our local endeavors and our international relations. The NFP marine terminal stands to guarantee secure and continuous transport of methanol and fertilizers to the Asia-Pacific countries, signifying a key advancement in the evolution of Nakhodka city district’s port infrastructure,” said Andrey Vaibuzov, the Harbor Master of Vostochny Sea Port.

Deployment of specialized equipment such as non-self-propelled barges, tugs, and a floating pile-driving crane to Nakhodka Bay via the semi-submersible vessel Development Way marks a key milestone in this project. Subsequently, 287 piles will be anchored at sea, with an additional 9 on land, each ranging from 11.5 to 39.2 meters in length.

“Several fertilizer handling terminals were constructed in the Far East during the Soviet era, but they are no longer in use. The NFP terminal stands out as the first operational off-premises terminal for bulk liquid cargoes in the area. Its construction was rigorously vetted through environmental assessments, public consultations, GGE positive conclusions, and close coordination with Rostekhnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor. Although the terminal construction project has undergone all required assessments, we maintain ongoing monitoring of environmental indicators,” stated Viktor Grebenyukov, the executive director of NFP.

Before construction began, scientists from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted comprehensive environmental monitoring, including water and sediment sampling, to assess the impact. Their findings indicated no adverse changes in the local flora and fauna. Similar studies will be undertaken during and after the terminal’s installation and operation.