13 February 2024

NFP provides stable jobs for graduate students

Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant helps young Primorsky residents with employment immediately after graduation, requiring no work experience or track record. To facilitate this, a targeted training programme has become available in Primorye universities and colleges. The Plant’s launch will create 1.5 thousand new jobs.

NFP specialists tell schoolchildren and students all about it during career guidance lectures. This time they went to school No. 1 in Volno-Nadezhdinskoye village.

The programme has already borne fruit: three of yesterday’s students are now NFP employees. Another 12 people are now studying at the university. For them, the contract with NFP is a stable future.

“They are not just students – they are our future colleagues. We also have those who, after receiving secondary vocational education, continue their studies at the university. NFP is ready to accompany students at all stages of education,” said Alina Sedlyar, NFP staff training specialist.

“Targeted students” receive a scholarship from NFP from 3 to 15 thousand rubles. NFP also pays for travelling to the place of internship and accommodation for this period.