11 October 2023

NFP’s ecotraditions: two trucksful of waste removed from Korovka beach

The beach season at Korovka ended with a large environmental clean-up, which has become a tradition for Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant. This time more than a hundred volunteers joined NFP in the clean-up, including students, athletes, representatives of the city administration and the Duma, the Russian Union of Youth and well-meaning residents of Wrangel. The result of the joint work was two trucksful of waste. This clean-up initiative (so-called “subbotniks”) became a part of the all-Russian “Waters of Russia” project, which will be 10 years old next year.

“Nakhodka joined environmental action from the very start. At first, we held one or two “subbotniks” a year, today is our seventeenth. We are glad that the citizens are becoming more active, and there is less waste. This trend of growing environmental awareness can be traced to activities at Korovka beach”, – says Irina Korotets, Head of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management of Nakhodka Administration.

For NFP the “green” agenda is always in the foreground. The company fosters kindness and gentle approach to nature both among its employees and the city residents. One of the largest eco-initiatives is the construction of a tree nursery for one million seedlings per year, which will help in the restoration of seaside forests.

“Although NFP is a young company, its traditions are already well-established, such as the spring and autumn clean-ups on this beach. Every year more and more citizens follow our example. I hope to pass on into the hands of the next generations not only this beach, but also a clean, green city. For NFP, care for the environment is an important task, so our project takes into account the latest tech, making sure that there is no negative impact on the environment. And it is a matter of great pride for us to work at one of the most environmentally friendly enterprises in the region,” says Alexander Isachenkov, Chief Engineer of NFP.

While men remove heavy driftwood from the shore and carry out bags with rubbish, the ladies collect glass bottles, discarded shopping bags and cans. Lyudmila Smolyakova, an honoured resident of Nakhodka, also actively assists the task. At the end of September, she turned 79 years old.

“When they try to hint at my age, I always say: fat chance! Movement is life. It’s great that a lot of young people and people of age came to help. Young people see our work as a good example and follow suit, so we all cleaned up a beautiful beach together quite quickly.

I think that such eco-activities and events should be held more often. I always enjoy them, it’s an opportunity for me to beautify my hometown and have a great time,” Lyudmila Petrovna said.

As always, the finale of the clean-up day was hot tea and mouth-watering pilaf. For the first time the meal is served on biodegradable plates paired with biodegradable utensils. Saying no to plastic is a new thing for a traditional NFP “subbotnik”. Thus, the company was one of the first in the region to fulfil Oleg Kozhemyako’s instructions to ban the use of single-use plastic tableware at sporting and cultural events.