Press centre

16 May 2024

Students of Primorye choose to work for NFP

Representatives of the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP) participated in the Career Day arranged by the Institute of High Technology and Advanced Materials of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) by presenting work opportunities at the future production plant and even signing contracts for employer-sponsored education with some of the students.

NFP gives university and college graduates of Primorye an opportunity to work for the largest methanol production facility. Last year three students receiving targeted education already joined the NFP team. In summer another four young specialists will come to work at the Plant.

Two years ago, FEFU launched a new education course on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The course was joined by many students including the future specialists of NFP. The third wave of the course enrollment is already underway.

“12 students are now receiving employer-sponsored education. Three of them are future subject matter experts. We actively support our future colleagues throughout their education process by giving scholarships, providing paid internships and launching a special support program for young specialists,” says Darya Gorkovenko, the HR specialist of NFP.

Currently NFP is cooperating with all the Institutions of Professional Education in the region. Once the Plant starts operating NFP will become the largest employer in Nakhodka with 1500 jobs. The Company’s focus is on the local specialists. Even now 80% of the employees are residents of the city and region. Any student can sign a contract for targeted education by submitting an application on the NFP web-site under the Careers Section.