21 November 2022

First-Graders in Nakhodka Embrace Waste Sorting through NFP’s Eco-Lessons

Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP) continues its series of environmentally focused lessons in schools throughout the city. This time, the Head Ecologist of NFP, Yuriy Vykhodtsev, taught for the first-graders of School No. 24. The children learned about what ecologists do and why it is important to sort waste.

Environmental education and raising ecological awareness among schoolchildren and youth are key areas of NFP’s social policy. For instance, high school students in Nakhodka participating in the “Formula for Success” contest, independently conduct research in the field of ecology. Working with students in the early grades is a new experience for NFP specialists, and, as practice has shown, it is enthusiastically received by the schoolchildren.

“The early school age is a period of intensive development for a child, a time for forming the right and caring attitude towards the world. That’s why we believe that environmental education should start from early childhood. We adapt the information to each age group. For example, we show more pictures to first-graders compared to fourth-graders. In the first grade, children have already heard about waste sorting, they have some knowledge about recycling, and most importantly, they show interest in this topic,” said Yuriy Vykhodtsev, the Head Ecologist of NFP.

The eco-lesson in 1A class at School 24 was the first step in implementing the chosen focus area of environmental education for the coming years.

“When a new class is formed, we, together with the parents, determine the leading focus of extracurricular activities. This year, we decided on environmental education. The children understand the importance of preserving nature but they are not yet familiar with the methods and tools. We will learn together,” noted Irina Silaeva, the teacher of 1A class.

The series of eco-lessons will continue in other schools in Nakhodka. Their main goal is to provide students with not only useful knowledge but also skills. The future sessions will be complemented by interactive games, assignments, and contests for young ecologists.