15 March 2024

NFP engineers are becoming experts in education

Every month Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP) specialists receive invitations to give lectures, take part in the work of board of examiners or do workshops at schools, colleges, universities or even kindergartens, and that is just to name a few.

Everything started with environmental lessons at Nakhodka schools. Yuriy Vykhodtsev, the Chief Environmental Specialist of NFP, over the past year gave eight lessons enhancing the awareness of children towards environmental protection. This year such environmental lessons will also be given at kindergartens.

A year ago, the Nakhodka School no.24 founded its first eco-squad, the “Ecology Cadets”. The mentors in matters of nature conservation are specialists from Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant and the administration of Nakhodka Urban District. The first kindergarten eco-squad of young environmentalists is now also founded at the Nakhodka Kindergarten no.5.

The entertaining chemistry lessons given at schools by NFP engineers became so popular that schools started lining up to participate in the program. The reason behind the success is the teaching method. Children are invited to become active participants of the educational process and do chemistry experiments.

This is the fourth year in a row when NFP arranges a contest among schools for the best scientific and research project called “Formula for Success”. Over the past years more than 100 research papers were submitted covering a wide range of topics from economy to environmental issues. Teachers can also participate in a professional contest for the best educational project.

Vasiliy Rogov, the Head of the Methanol Workshop, participated in the Thesis Defense at the Far Eastern Federal University as an external examiner. The same university collaborated with NFP to launch a new educational program on “Chemistry and Chemical Engineering”. Those students who choose to do this program will be able to do an internship and secure a position at NFP, if they decide to sign an agreement for target training.

Three graduates are already working at NFP. Another 12 are completing their education at the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and Nakhodka State College of Humanities and Technology (NSCHT) to become members of the NFP team. Creation of a talent pool is one of the main goals of NFP. That is why the NFP specialists are currently in close cooperation with educational institutions. The key policy of the company is to hire more local specialists.