04 March 2024

Warm and environmentally friendly: Nakhodka’s boiler houses will gradually switch to natural gas

The gasification of Nakhodka, made possible by the construction of NFP, will significantly improve the city’s environmental situation by completely eliminating harmful emissions from boiler houses.

NFP’s Executive Director Viktor Grebenyukov and Nakhodka Mayor Timur Maginsky discussed the city’s gasification project and inspected readiness of the system at the Wrangel gas distribution station.

“Natural gas is raw material for production at our plant. Given the plant’s methanol production capacity of 1.8 million tonnes per year, we need large quantities of gas. Given our payments, this gas pipe pays off allowing to forego any additional financial burden by way of gas prices on the local populace,” said Viktor Grebenyukov.

Boiler houses will be converted to be gas-powered first of all. Six heating units will be modernised in the next two years: one in Wrangel and five in the largest districts of Nakhodka.

“This goes for the boiler house on Solenoye Lake, which bothers residents a lot, at Rybny Port, at the NSRZ. Two more; one on Shefnera street and in the southern part of the city,” says Timur Maginsky.

One of the first in the queue for gasification is a fuel oil boiler house that heats Wrangel. It supplies heat to 45 apartment blocks, two kindergartens, two schools, a polyclinic and an indoor sports rink under construction.

“Gas is very good for the environment of the city. Now we need to renovate the boiler house. I think that as soon as summer we will commence modernisation of the equipment,” said Natalia Rozhkova, head of the boiler house of KSUE Primteploenergo.

Now Nakhodka’s houses and social facilities are heated by 43 boiler-houses, which work on coal and fuel oil, polluting the air. With the arrival of gasification, this problem will be completely solved.