24 November 2022

Teachers from Nakhodka Improve Their Skills in St. Petersburg

Teachers from Nakhodka’s School 9, who won the “Best Educational Project” professional mastery contest, stepped into students’ shoes. As their prize they chose to receive training at the Institute of Human Education in St. Petersburg, and the contest organizer, Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NFP), covered their travel and accommodation expenses.

The “Best Educational Project” pedagogical mastery contest took place in Nakhodka for the first time this year. In the modern world, where a teacher is not just an authority figure but also a guide and mentor, continuous professional growth is a necessity. This is the only way we can educate active and proactive children who are ready to contribute to the development of their hometown. That is why the field of education is at the center of NFP’s social policy.

The initiative of the plant was supported by the Nakhodka Education Department and the Information and Methodological Center “Razvitie”. Out of the 20 participants in the contest, the jury selected the top 10: 3 among preschool teachers and 6 among school teachers.

Among the winners in the “General Education” category were teachers from School 9: Irina Sorokina, Irina Dubovskaya, and Marina Zolotareva. As a reward, they were given the opportunity to undergo training in the program “Functional Literacy in Modern Education”.

“Functional literacy is the ability to apply acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities in life. It is the foundation of a child’s future success, so it is important for us teachers to develop functional literacy in students while they are still in school, paying attention to both hard and soft skills. We only have positive impressions from the trip. Having undergone the training, we want to enhance our pedagogical skills and participate in other projects,” shared the teachers.

Another set of winners from School 20 chose to study efficient management of educational organization.  This course was developed by the Information and Methodological Center “Razvitie”.

“The teachers had the opportunity to learn the best educational practices in their home region. For example, they learned about the unique opportunities provided by the Primorsky Oceanarium. In addition to guided tours, educational and research activities can also be conducted there. Without a doubt, these experiences will greatly benefit the students of Nakhodka,” shared Lyudmila Putintseva, the director of the information and methodological center “Razvitie”.

Another outcome of the contest was the construction of a new weather station in August on the premises of Kindergarten 8. The children’s weather service project made it to the top 3 of the contest.  Employees of NFP assisted in setting up the unique platform.

The “Best Educational Project” contest is not the only educational initiative of NFP. At the end of October, the “Formula for Success” contest for school research projects was held for the third time. This year, 50 project teams participated, which is significantly more than the total number of participants from the previous two years.